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About Elite Education Society

We are a community of people that believe in the higher learning process.

Elite Education Society helps its members connect with colleges and higher learning institutions in a social network environment. It's a place for its members to share experiences and connect with others who are also devoted to development of knowledge.

Connect with millions of other educated people using a wide array of social and dating features. Our features include private email, text messaging, instant messaging, voice mail, chat rooms, forums, blogs, personality compatibility, video chat, friends list, facial recognition matches and astrological comparisons.

Join Elite Education Society today totally free and fully privileged to utilize all its features. It's a private and easy way to meet other educated people any time of the day or night. At, we simplify socializing and make it easy to get to know people you click with! So take a break from the education blogs and forums, expensive dating services, and embarrassing blind dates.

Register on now and receive free handpicked education social matches, profile support and recommendations. Remember, the first login is free and gives you full privileges on the site so you can experience what this elite educated online community has to offer. Take a break from the education blogs and forums, expensive dating services, and embarrassing blind dates.

This super membership offer is only available for a limited time so join now!

Elite Education Society

Always communicate with all members using EliteMate's secured servers. Do not give out your personal email address, postal address, social security number, phone numbers, instant message handles or any piece of private information to any members ever. Take as long as you feel necessary to get to know members using all of its anonymous communication features (Email, IM, Chat, Astrology And Personality Matching, Video, Texting, Voice, Greeting Cards, Browser Winks). Utilize all of EliteEducationSociety and EliteMate's member privileges to communicate with other EliteMate members until you feel totally safe and secure. We highly recommend ALWAYS using EliteEducationSociety site powered by to communicate with any EliteEducationSociety members. Please review all of our safety tips here. We Simplify Socializing.